

Just for (my) record ... or note to self: backup your blog, biobloga Maria!

12 May 2011
i. Catroga dixit "Os jornalistas andam a discutir pentelhos"

ii.Blogger glitches
iii. A record which appraisal raises my curiosity 
iv. A possible explanation for "Sócas" re-election:

v. Science-Fiction - love it !!! [ the authors are (almost) prophets ]
 vi. LOVE and MISS doing this (soooo much !!)

Laughs ... seems an excelent idea!!

Here we go again ... rewind!!!


Doctor, doctor ...

 why isn't there a Love suppressant available?!

According to physiology, love involves 3 stages, each controlled by specific hormones and neurotransmitters ( stage 1 - lust testosterone and oestrogen ; stage 2 - attractionadrenaline, dopamine and serotonin ; stage 3 - attachmentoxytocin and vasopressin ); in other words, love is nothing but a chemical cocktail which production is conditioned by several external stimulli.


Frail as an hummingbird

Pretty much

I miss waking up ...


Public information ...on cats

Things I know but.. no one cares - VII

Ideas for Enhancing Reproduction
In order to overcome the obstacles preventing Giant Panda reproduction in captivity, several different plans have been designed to increase the rate of copulation. These plans range from swapping pens the animals live in to increase olfactory stimulation , to redesigning enclosures , to exposing young pandas to videos of pandas copulating. All of these techniques have proven to be successful in increasing the reproductive rate of pandas in captivity. in

Earth wonders (1)

Querem lá ver a p@##a????
Nasa has officially labelled it a Potentially Hazardous Object, but have stressed there is no danger of impact while on its current course.(sublinhado meu)